Apple: Two iPhones per person

Apple’s not being stingy like AT&T… okay, maybe not as stingy. But according to a new announcement this morning, the company said that it will limit people’s purchases of the iPhone to two per person on launch day, not just one. As expected, they are first come, first served.

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Safari for Windows

Mac OSX style font smoothing. I’m sold. I don’t know how they’ve done it, but they have – it looks and feels exactly like the Mac version. For the longest time, I’ve loathed Windows’ subpixel rendering, even Gnome/KDE put ClearType to shame. I’m just pissed that now the rest of Windows looks even more drab than usual.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Firefox – but unless you’re bleeding edge, it’s not W3C compliant, and the Gecko rendering engine is getting a bit long in the tooth. All that being said, I don’t recommend Safari if you’ve got less than 1GB of RAM.
