The Mac Matrix – Space for one more?

The Mac Matrix comprises of 4 product groups: a desktop for the home user (iMac), a desktop for the professional (Mac Pro), a notebook for the consumer (MacBook) and a notebook for the professional (MacBook Pro). However, in recent times, the matrix has blurred at some points, and left a gaping hole in others. I want a headless Mac.

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Apple Releases New MacBooks

As predicted, Apple released revised MacBooks today.Apple(R) today updated its MacBook(R) consumer notebooks with faster Intel Core 2 Duo processors, 1GB of memory and larger hard drives in every model. The MacBook is just one-inch thin and features built-in 802.11n wireless networking for up to fiv…

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iTunes 7.1.2 DRM cracked

This utility will scrub DRM from YOUR music files and make a backup copy of the originals for safe keeping. Great for iPod owners who now have another brand of music player – iTunes will convert your AAC files to MP3 when you’re ready to run away from Apple. I’m sure this story will be buried by DMCA lovers.

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System Ep7 – AppleTV

Patrick Norton and Dave Randolph take you through some of the more popular hacks and mods out there for the AppleTV. They have sorted out all the articles out there and have come up with a complete step by step procedure to help you get your AppleTV up and running with a larger drive, SSH, Xvid and a RSS reader.

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