Deal or No Deal

I hate this show. The rule book must be bigger than the bible I swear, it makes practically no sense whatsoever. Do they really expect people who are watching TV at 5.30PM to understand this crap?

Well, I went to ivLAN on the weekend. It would have been great if I could have actually played the games that everyone else was playing. I’m seriously regretting not getting a Macbook Pro, it costs so much more but… hmm too late now I suppose. Next purchase is looking to be the Mac Pro (desktop), latest information is that it’ll include SMP dual core Xeons, that’s 4 cores with a total 8MB cache. It’s also going to be in a revamped brushed aluminium G5 enclosure. I’ll probably have to sell a kidney to afford one…

I seem to have come down with the flu again, my throat feels like a scratching post and I’ve been coughing up colours I didn’t even know existed. Yeah I didn’t go to work today, just too exhausted. Trudging around Newcastle in the rain all weekend probably didn’t help.


Another weekend flys past, it’s already Sunday night. I’m tired, all the time. I just can’t seem to get anything done anymore. Work should be interesting this week, as usual. Business has been quiet as I have mentioned previously but we’re expecting it to pick up any day now, it bloody well better anyway otherwise I’ll probably wind up packing shelves at the local supermarket.

I might be better packing shelves anyway, it’s probably less stressful work 🙂 But I’m not sure my lifestyle would take well to the lack of finance. On a brighter note, I haven’t had a single problem with the Macbook, yet. I did notice however that the battery doesn’t seem to hold as much charge (mAh) as the old one did, perhaps it just needs to be calibrated again.

No Work

I didn’t go to work today. I was just too tired, I got very little sleep last night and, well, I’m getting fed up with my job. Not seriously considering leaving or anything, but I do need a break.

Spent most of the day cleaning and doing washing, I logged in to my work PC a few times throughout the day to check what was happening and everything seemed pretty quiet, I don’t think I missed much anyway.

I’ve got the Macbook pretty much setup, all my applicatioons and stuff installed. The extra 1GB RAM really makes a difference, in OSX anyway, I don’t really use Windows often enough to notice the difference. I have to setup a few more games and apps on Windows, particularily before I head off to ivLAN (weekend after this one). Looks like I’m only going to know like one person there, oh well.

Mac’s Back

Yep, I got the Macbook back. Arrived yesterday afternoon, took ages to charge the thing up. It’s a brand new unit alright, this is one from week 23’s batch instead of week 20, hopefully it won’t have any problems. I’m really curious as to whether this model has the new palm rest or whether I’m going to be returning it another 3 weeks from now (see here).

Naturally I’ve had to re-install all my apps, twice over if you include Windows and games. But the desktop is starting to resemble me again (see here). Oh yeah, I’ve also chucked another 1GB in, so it’s has 1.25GB total at the moment, yeah I know odd numbers, dual channel etc. It should have 2GB by the end of next week. I’m still yet to get a hold of a case for the thing either, local AppleStore says the Neoprene sleeves are due in next week, apparentely. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.


So I’m getting my Macbook back today, apparentely. I’m just waiting on the delivery from the courier now. Work is still very quiet, despite being the beginning of a new financial year. Last week was pretty boring, and I didn’t get up to much over the weekend either. Downloaded the new Outrun (by SEGA) on Thursday night, what a waste of 900MB.

Anyway so it’s Monday, and I’m at work, gotta build a server this afternoon that has to be in Canberra by 2PM tomorrow, gonna cost an arm and a leg in freight – lucky we’re not paying it. I’m looking forward to attending ivLAN – haven’t been to one in years, should be interesting. I’m only taking my Macbook, not my desktops. I wonder if I’ll be the only person gaming on an Apple notebook?