Rojax goes live

Notice anything different? Well, perhaps not on the surface, but this page is now AJAX powered. Basically, this post box is all AJAX, so you can flick back and forth between posts, without the page ever reloading. I can also hide code quite effectively, the first person to find the comment hidden in this post gets $10

I’m slowly cutting up Rodin, I’ve added an icon (look at your address bar), which I will set as a global variable later. Also added an RSS feed, largely thanks to the work of the original Rodin author. Next is an RSS aggregator, also eventually to be set globally and all configured from backend. There is one little thing that shits me about this, the title bar is now static, I know this can be changed using JavaScript, but whether I can tie that in to PHP and AJAX is another matter entirely.

Demo Online

I got evil-incarnate installed successfully, can’t believe you still need to edit a text file and upload it before you start the install. I thought this would have been addressed by now, as with most bloatware.

The AJAX side of things is merely a theme called Bloxpress, I have seen some other adaptations that are a little more advanced. But these seem to require too much mucking about to get installed and working properly, I’m sure we’ll start to see entirely AJAX based CMS’s real soon. The best mix of old and new that I have found is the unofficial V2 of the popular “Kubrick” theme. I’m currently working on a Web 2.0 themed template for this site, really just to poke fun at all the cliches of the style (gradients anyone ?).

AJAX Blog Demo

Cleaning Products

AJAX. What a name. Who the hell picked that? I suppose it doesn’t matter what it’s called, just what it means… Web 2.0. Ever used GMail ? Checked out Yahoo lately? I think it’s time I knuckled down and learned XHTML, even though I have enough trouble keeping my code in line.

I’m installing evil-incarnate at the moment to check out some AJAX plug-ins / themes. If I come accross anything interesting I’ll link it later.

In bed with Mac

Yeah I’m sitting in my bed, with the Mac. Wireless is one of the best inventions since buttered bread. I’m still not over the flu, I think my meds are starting to wear off. I should probably spend a few days rugged up and try to get some rest, but it’s so boring.

So tomorrow is Sunday, what have I accomplished this weekend? Nothing. As usual. Cleaned up a bit I suppose, and given a lot of thought to my financials etc. Looks like I’m going to sell my main gaming PC, after I rip out the processor and graphics card of course. I don’t use my desktop(s) enough to warrant having two heavy duty machines, and I could really use the extra cash. That is to say, my savings account could really use the extra cash.

I’m not sure which direction work is taking me, or even if it’s worth it anymore. I’m not sure about a lot of things anymore….

In flew enza

Yeah I’m pretty sick. Spent $30 on drugs today at the chemist, I don’t think they’re working. Bought some Codral Cold & Flu, Neurofen Plus painkillers, and a bottle of heavy duty cough mixture. You know Codral has those daytime tablets and night time tablets? Yeah well you can buy just the night time ones by themselves now, so I got those because they seem to do more. Cough mixture tastes like shit, especially when you drink it from the bottle.

Well I made it in to work today at least, managed to get a fair bit done I think, all things considered. Not sure what’s on the cards tomorrow, probably more order processing and stock organising, as long as I don’t have to actually go anywhere, I should be alright. Time to go take some more drugs I think…