After much fucking around, I finally managed to port over all of my posts from Rojax (previous cms) into WordPress. Initially I was hoping to simply import the tables (after modifying the column names) into the new database, unfortunately with WordPress – this is not as simple as it sounds. After screwing around in Excel with CSVs and so on, and even trying to structure raw queries to input the data, I finally gave up. Looking through the import options for WP, I noticed that it can import RSS feeds as posts. I thought I was home and hosed until I realised my old RSS feed didn’t output post content, just titles and links. So I had to rewrite my RSS generator to include a new query to grab the post content, and the post date, and then had to look up the specs sheet for RSS 2.0 to get the correct syntax for output.

After all that screwing around, I finally managed to import the entries into WP, you can find them under the category ‘Old site’ – unfortunately it was not possible to import comments using the method I used, not that there was much that was useful or insightful in the comments anyway 😛 I was expecting the big task to be designing a new template for this, and I was looking forward to putting my effort in to that, however I really can’t be arsed at this point. So you’re all going to be looking at Kubrick for the next few days until I get some time again to sit down and develop a new template. If you can think of anything I need to enable or disable, or whatever, let me know.


On a brighter note than my last entry click Prev(ious). I finally received my Logitech diNovo Media Desktop keyboard and mouse set back today. As the original model was discontinued, Logitech replaced it with the ‘Laser’ edition which includes the MX1000 optical mouse instead of the original MX900, and a new base station to match. I’m yet to set it back up on our Home Theatre PC here, I need to re-install Windows MCE anyway.

So I’m all ready to go to the funeral on Monday, I’m still not sure whether I should make a speech if given the opportunity, I’ll probably rehearse a few lines regardless. I’m not sure what difference it would make, and I really don’t think that anything I could say would do any sort of justice or otherwise. It really is quiet peculiar that the person I saw almost everyday for nearly three years, suddenly is not there anymore. I had so much to say, so many ideas, and I really looked up to **** for guidance and strength, he gave me so much confidence and helped me to become who I am today. How do you deal with that?


I hate funerals, I’m not really sure why. My ex-boss / business partner passed away yesterday. I found out this morning on my way to work. He’s had on going heart problems for a long time now, although it was ultimately a brain hemerage that took his life. I’m not really to sure on the finer details, other than he was admitted to hospital sometime on Monday night, and that there were complications during surgery. He officially died at around 3.00PM, Tuesday 21st October.

I have to travel down on Monday to attend the funeral, I have the rough details in my e-mail inbox. I’m not sure whether I should make an epitaph speech at the funeral or not, I don’t even know what I should say or if I’ll have the opportunity. It’s weird to think that the person you saw 5/7 days a week for the past 2 years just suddenly isn’t there anymore. I really wish I hadn’t kept putting off going down to catch up with him, you always think there’ll be plenty of time. This has been a tough past few months for me, and everything looks pretty hazy at the moment. We’re all at the mercy of father time.


Just keep forgetting to update this damn thing. Not that a whole lot has happened since my last update come to think of it. Here’s a short summary in point form because I can’t be bothered explaining stuff in sentences.

  • Friend got fired from local electronic slaughterhouse
  • Episode 4 of ‘The Broken‘ finally came out
  • Modded an Xbox 360 (thanks TheBroken)
  • Picked up more work at the local electronic slaughterhouse
  • Got a hold of a SUN SparcStation Ultra5 running Solaris
  • Still totally addicted to Battlefield 2142

That’s really about all I can think of right now, might update again tomorrow.


So I ate a McDonald’s Pounder yesterday. Yes, that’s four layers of beef and cheese, a double double quarter pounder, and it was awesome. The taste is just phenomenal, and I surprisingly didn’t feel too bad after eating it. I highly recommend it to anyone who has never tried it. It wasn’t a dare (despite the Maccas staff asking if it was), I did it for me…

Hmmm, what else is new? Not much, I’m still working one day a week at the local electronic slaughterhouse, although that looks like it’s about to change as one of my closest friends just lost their job there, and I’m looking like the replacement. That’s good for me, and bad for my friend. Oh how boring life can be.

Still the same old shit mostly, not having much luck finding a job. Apparentely the Australian JobSearch website believes it’s reasonable for me to commute to Wagga Wagga every day for a job. Yeah, right. I’ve become addicted to Battlefield 2142, the most fun I’ve had playing a game since FEAR was released. Still debating whether or not to buy the full version, and whether I trust the EA downloader or not – seeing as it’s $60 cheaper than $AU retail…

Need to list some more stuff on eBay to raise some more cash, especially with a couple of special events coming up. If you’ve got any ideas for gifts please let me know…… asap…. LOL