I’m very seriously considering teaching the Leechbox how to fly. A little over a week ago, I wasted three precious days setting up Etch so I could have a working torrent box again. BTW, if you want to run a webserver or Etch, use Apache 2, it will save you a lot of screwing around.
So I got everything setup – Apache, MySQL, PHP, I even got Samba working after some ‘encouragement’. So I go to shut the machine down, and relocate it to its’ usual home in the kitchen (err, long story). Now the machine is usually headless, so I’m relying on a terminal window running PING to let me know when the machine is up. Three minutes pass and I’m still getting ‘host is down’. Five minutes, ten… Fuck.
Unplug the machine, move it back to my work bay only to discover that the machine is kernel panicking upon boot. Had I rebooted it at all before I moved it you ask? Yes, of course. Anyway, I put the machine under the table and forgot about it, until today. I decided just to blow it all away and start fresh, and on the first boot – same error.
Those familiar with this saga will recall that I replaced a failed HDD about a month ago, one of the 40GB disks which makes up the array. So naturally I tested all the drives again, and sure enough, this time, the boot hard disk is failing. Two drives in less than 8 weeks in the same box. I think it’s time for those flying lessons.