Almost midnight, not really tired. Think I’m gonna stay up and watch a movie. I’ve slept in til midday all weekend so that might have something to do with it. That and I think I’m still suffering from insomnia, had it since I was a kid. Mind is too busy ticking away thinking about to shit to sleep.
I expect work to be really quiet tomorrow, considering most people have probably taken the day off to have a 4-day weekend. That and it just seems like that time of the month, which is probably good I suppose. The last 3 weeks have been a nightmare! I’ve logged in to my work PC a few times over the weekend and it seems pretty quiet, so I think I’ll be right.
Still haven’t worked out what I’m going to do on Tuesday, don’t have anything planned anyway. Probably spend the day cleaning, or working when I shouldn’t be working :/ Such is life.